Recap of the First 31 Days of a 365-Blog Challenge

Well, guys, it finally happened.

I’m behind. Thirty-one blogs later, I’m behind by one day. Technically, I’m right on time, but only barely.

When I first started this blog-a-day challenge one month ago, I promised you that I would write something every day…even if it was 15 words. Well, I’ve made it to 150 words on this post, more or less.

More importantly, I’ve made it one full month of blogs. I may be tired, I may be a little frazzled (and I may have set the bar a little high with a few of these blogs), but I’m on my way.

Some stats I think you’d find pretty cool. Since July 1:

  • 31 blogs published
  • 21,412 words written
  • 704 visitors

Thanks for coming along for the ride, y’all. I know some of you don’t politically align with me, but I appreciate you taking the time to read regardless. Here’s to the next 335 blogs!